With your credit and budget information ready to go, you will be well-prepared to meet with a loan officer to review the mortgage options and get a pre-qualification letter.
The pre-qualification/pre-approval letter is included with any offer you make on a house to inform the seller that you have met with a mortgage lender and you are prepared to make an offer. The letter states that based on certain assumptions, the bank is prepared to lend you up to a specified amount of money for a home mortgage.
When choosing a loan officer, we recommend going local to work with someone who understands your community’s real estate market. This blog on first-time home purchases includes questions to ask your lender that may be helpful when preparing for your meeting.
Helpful Resources:
At Arthur State Bank, our mortgage loan officers are available to guide you every step of the way with mortgage information personalized for your situation.
This is the third step in the First Time Home Buyer’s Road Map. Be sure to review the entire road map.